We’ve Made A New Album

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Help us Kickstart it into production!

We began recording Present in November 2021, and exhaustedly downed tools in early March 2024. At some point along the way, it became an album of songs dwelling on the idea of ‘community’: How fundamentally we need community, how it liberates and elevates us, how it oppresses, its capriciousness, its dissolution, trying to survive without it. It’s not a coincidence that it began percolating directly in the wake of the COVID lockdowns.

Dean and Chris in the studio
Dean and Chris in the studio

The Sighs of Monsters make music purely for the love of music creation and to add to the corpus of thoughtful, poetic and expressive albums available for the discerning listener. There is no profit or material gain to be had. In fact, the process is very expensive and drawn out. We usually spend two years or more crafting songs, recording and mixing them and shaping them into albums. We’ve released three to date and our fourth is ready to go to press for a June release.

In today’s world, it is up to patrons of the arts to support the artist directly. That’s why we need your help.

We have a YOUTUBE PLAYLIST of us performing a few of the songs from the album in our studio.

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